Our Technology

Where Precision Meets Comfort

We take pride in being on the cutting edge when it comes to endodontic care. To do so, we employ the latest technology, including microscopic 3D imagery, digital imagery, and extra oral photography.

Surgical Operating Microscope

Dr Grover and Dr. Lee use Zeiss Pro-Ergo surgical operating microscopes during every treatment. This allows for enhanced vision through illumination and magnification. We can see the minutest details inside your tooth which allows us to treat complex root canal anatomy, calcified canals, and cracks. This endodontic technology dramatically improves the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of your root canal treatment.

Doctor Grover Using the Surgical Operating Microscope

The Cone Beam CT Scanner

A cost-effective way to identify a wide range of dental issues, which can result in less expensive, more effective treatment.

Implemented in 2012 in Dr. Grover and Dr. Lee’s practice, the Cone Beam CT Scanner (CBCT) creates a high quality, three-dimensional image of a tooth or teeth and supporting structures, using low radiation exposure.

Enhanced Irrigation

Successful root canal treatment depends on the complex removal of the contents of the root canal system. The primary reason for root canal treatment failure is the clinician’s ability to adequately debride the root canal system. Grover Endodontics utilizes two devices that enhance the debridement of the root canal system: Fotona Lightwalker Laser and Sonendo’s GentleWave&reg System. Both systems enable thorough cleaning of the canal system while minimizing the removal of tooth structure, thus preserving the maximum amount of remaining tooth. Dr. Grover and Dr. Lee will assess your tooth to determine if the tooth would benefit from either or both of these enhanced irrigation devices.

Dr. Grover using the Fotona Lightwalker Laser

Laser activation of irrigants enables debridement of canal spaces not accessible with conventional root canal instrumentation

Sonendo's GentleWave® System

Play Video about Treating Is Believing

Sonendo’s GentleWave utilizes fluid dynamics and acoustic energy to remove inflamed tissue and infected debris from within the canal system.

Play Video about Standard Root Canal versus Gentle wave

GentleWave facilitates debridement of root canal spaces. See the results below or ask Dr. Grover or Dr. Lee about this procedure.

Digital Radiography

By using computerized digital x-rays, we can reduce the radiation to our patients by nearly 90%. Because they’re digital, these x-rays can be enhanced by the computer for improved visualization. The ability to see subtleties using digital radiography is crucial to diagnosis, collaboration, and patient communication. 

TDO Software

We use TDO Software. It is considered the best endodontic technology software available. It is used to securely manage all patient records and information. The software has comprehensive modules that make our office paperless. This is a great convenience for our patients and referring dentists. It allows our patients to securely complete medical history and consent forms online prior to their appointment. The software allows our referring dentists to make referrals and receive patient reports immediately after the patient is seen. This technology is extremely secure, efficient, and HIPAA compliant.